Sunday, March 10, 2013

Caddy's Sestina

They don’t know what they have coming
I made choices, sometimes mistakes
But these choices I made are mine
The decisions were part of my path
With a passion, everyone watches me
Clearly, they are simply jealous

I’m the one that got away, jealous
They run when they see me coming
Looks at the spare road for parts of me
Waiting to watch me make more mistakes
Trying to muddle my path
But these words, this story is mine

My dreams, my stories are mine
Looking at my accomplishments, jealous
So maybe I ruined the path
They warned the others of my coming
Judging everything, all my mistakes
They are wanting, wanting only me

Is it my fault, because I’m me
Should I be sorry because they’re mine
Waiting, for all my mistakes
I attract them, they’re jealous
Looking, waiting, wanting my coming
They are crowding up my path

So do not hate my path
This was the only one for me
Maybe I will make a second coming
Maybe this time the win will be mine
They will look at me and be jealous
Next time, I will not make mistakes

Look at these mistakes
But do not try and follow my path
Wait patiently and be jealous
Look at my life but look at me
Do not you dare take this, it’s mine
Wait for me, Hush, I’m coming

I see your mistakes in me
I see the path that is mine
Hush. Hold on. I’m coming.

If you are for some reason feeling sad, how would you go about making yourself feel better?

How do you think society promotes the need for other people in order to be happy?

In what ways, do you believe one can measure happiness?

In what ways, do you think society promotes a feeling happiness all the time?

Typically, is it normal to be happy all the time?