Thursday, September 20, 2012

Resources!!!! "Everybody's Happy Nowadays..."

1. young, wild, and Free (in journal)
2. Alcohol advertisments (in journal)
3. Pyschology today (in journal)
4. "Everybody's Happy Nowadays" (Lenina)
5."I'm claiming the right to be unhappy" (John the Savage)
6."Love's as good as soma" (Lenina)
7. "Every soma-holiday is a bit of what our ancestors used to call eternity" (Dr.Shaw)
8. "Half a gramme had been enough to make Lenina forget her fears and embarrassments."
9. Historical: 17th and 18th century theories of emotion
10. psychology: the role of emotion in moral psychology
11. psychology: What do you know about being happy?
12. psychology: Prescriptions for Happiness
13. historical: the sacred of happiness
14. scientific: Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration
15. historical: the history of happiness
16. Scientific: antidepressant use in persons aged 12 and over: united states 2005-2008
17. scientific:
18. interview
19. interview
20. survey

If you are for some reason feeling sad, how would you go about making yourself feel better?

How do you think society promotes the need for other people in order to be happy?

In what ways, do you believe one can measure happiness?

In what ways, do you think society promotes a feeling happiness all the time?

Typically, is it normal to be happy all the time?